
Ai ua, ia hau, ai marangai!

E te Iwi, if you need support during the Cyclone,
Call us on: 0800 473 672


Ko Tongariro te maunga
Ko Taupō te moana
Ko Tūwharetoa te iwi
Ko Te Heuheu te tangata

Tongariro is the mountain
Taupō is the great inland sea
Tūwharetoa are the people
Te Heuheu is the man

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ka titiro whānui au
Ki ngā kokonga o tōku rohe
Kei reira ngā mana o te motu
Ko ngā whānau, ngā marae, ngā hapū
Kī mai ngā kōrero o ō matua tūpuna
Whakaponotia! Manaakitia! Pūmautia
Ki ngā tikanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Greetings to you all
I gaze to the distance
To the corners of my lands
To where the prestige of land lays
The whānau, marae, hapū
The old people cry out
Believe! Care for! Hold fast to them
through the tikanga of Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Contact Details

Te Tari o te Ariki o Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Phone: 07 386 0226

Tūrangi Office
33 Turanga Place, Tūrangi 3334,
PO Box 292, Tūrangi 3353, AOTEAROA

Taupō Office: Opepe Buildings
65 Waikato Street, Taupō
